Monday, September 9, 2013

Hive Metastore ERD

In an effort to understand the underpinnings of Hive and HCat, I started reverse engineering the metastore ERD from MySQL and figured others might find this handy. While the API-only crowd might find this verboten, I find its an easy way to understand quickly how useful Hive/Hcat is beyond just writing HQL (see my blog HCatalog - Embrace the independence).

Monday, September 2, 2013

Hadoop Hindsight #2 Keep it simple: more than likely someone else has encountered your problem.

An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is an adventure wrongly considered.
-G.K. Chesterton
Sometimes our ego gets the best of us.  This seems to occur more often in Hadoop than anywhere else I've worked.  I'm not sure if this relatively new world propels us into thinking we're on an island, or if some developers are inherently poor data analysts.  At any rate, we need to reign in our bloated self-image and realize that someone else likely encountered our issue and a seasoned committer carried it thru the stack to resolution.  Let me give you an example:
Sqooping data with newlines
I wish I had caught this issue earlier. Some of our developers were pulling data from Teradata and DB2 and encountered embedded newline and ctrl-a data in a few columns.  Claiming the 'bad' data broke their process, they overreacted and jumped to using Avro files to resolve their problem.  While avro is well and good for some issues, this was major overkill that turned out causing issues within Datameer and created additional complexity in HCat.  I took some time to 'research' (ala google-fu) to see what others had done to get around this.  I already had a few simple ideas, like regex your SQL to remove \n\r\01, but I was really looking for a more elegant solution.
It took me 30 minutes or so to work up an example, create a failure, and RTFM for a resolution.  I was hitting walls everywhere much like our developers, the sqoop documentation isn't bad, but there are some holes.  A little more searching and I foundCloudera Sqoop-129 Newlines in RDBMS fields break hive.  Created 11/2010 and resolved 5/2011.  Turns out it was fixed in sqoop version 1.3.0 and we are on 1.4.2 - looking good so far.  The fix implemented these arguments which handles elimination or replacement of these characters during the load.
--hive-drop-import-delimsDrops \n\r, and \01 from string fields when importing to Hive.
--hive-delims-replacementReplace \n\r, and \01 from string fields with user defined string when importing to Hive.
It turns out they fixed our problem from a Hive standpoint, but its actually valid for Pig, etc.  Its much more elegeant than a source-SQL/regex solution because I don't need to specify fields - everything is covered.  Now in our case the business users didn't even care about the newlines that were present in 3 of 2 million rows (ug!) so I just used --hive-drop-import-delims in the sqoop command and everything was fine.
So by adding a single line to a Sqoop step, I eliminated the need to maintain an additional serialization framework and downstream processes will likely be easier to maintain.  When dealing with basic business data we need to realize it isn't rocket science - some else has probably already figured it out.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Consuming JSON Strings in SQL Server

This article describes a TSQL JSON parser and its evil twin, a JSON outputter, and provides the source. It is also designed to illustrate a number of string manipulation techniques in TSQL. With it you can do things like this to extract the data from a JSON document:

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Hadoop Hindsight #1 Start Small

I thought we would start series on some lessons we've learned.  Many of the topics I've learned the hard way so I hope it will be helpful for those a few steps behind in the journey.  YMMV, but I wish this ideology was firmly ensconced when we started.
Identify a business problem that Hadoop is uniquely suited for.
Just because you found this cool new hammer doesn't mean everything is a nail.  Find challenges that your existing tech can't answer easily.  One of our first projects involved moving 300 gigs of EDI transaction files.  A business unit was having BA's grep for customer strings on 26,000 files to find 4 or 5 files, then FTP'ing those to their deskptop for manual parsing and review.  They might spend a few HOURS doing this for each request.  It was a natural and simple use of Hadoop.  We learned a lot about design patterns, scheduling, and data cleanup.
Solve this one business challenge well.
Notice I didn't say nail it perfectly.  There are many aspects of Big Data that will challenge the way you've looked at things the last 20 years.  The solution should be good, but not necessarily perfect.  Accepting this gives time to establish PM strategy and basic design patterns.
Put together a small team that has worked well together in the past.
This is critical to your success! Please, please, please take note!  Inter-team communication is the foundation upon which your Hadoop practice will grow.  In The Mythical Man-Month my man Fredrick Brooks said:
To avoid disaster, all the teams working on a project should remain in contact with each other in as many ways as possible...
Ideally a team should consist of the following:
1 Salesman (aka VPs)
1 Agile-trained PM
1 Architect
2 Former DBAs
1-3 skilled java developers
1 Cluster Admin
Obviously this is very simplified and some roles can overlap.  My point is you should have no more than 10 people max starting out!
Support your solution.
This very same team should also live thru at least 3 months of support of the solution they've created.  Valuable insight is gained once you have to fix a few production problems.  Let the solution mature in production a bit to understand support considerations. This gives you time to adjust your design patterns. Trust me, you'll want time to reflect on your work and correct flaws.
Smash your solution and rebuild (Optional - If time permits)
Good luck getting the time, but if you're serious about a sustainable Enterprise Hadoop solution this should be rightly considered.
Go forth and multiply.
By this time your patterns and procedures should form the DNA of your new Hadoop cell. You're team should naturally develop into the evangelists and leaders upon which the mitosis of a new project occurs, carrying with it the new replicated chromosomes.  As your project cells divide and multiply, you'll be able to take on more formidable challenges.
That's all I have to say about that.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Hortonworks HDP 1.3 released

HDP 1.3 was released today. This milestone release takes advantage of improved performance in Hive 0.11 along with delivery on a series of enterprise requirements including NFS access to HDFS, improved MTTR for HBase, business continuity through HDFS and HBase snapshots, optimized connectors to Oracle and Netezza and the latest release of Ambari for management and operations. All of this represents the wicked fast pace of community-driven open source.
Core 1.1.2 was sooo last week.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Why most Enterprise Hadoop jobs will not require hardcore Java skills in 3-5 years.

OK.  So the controversial heading hopefully piqued your interest, and if your a hardcore java developer - just hear me out.  Its nothing personal.
In the late 1979, RSI's Oracle version 2 ran on Digital's VAX minicomputers (32bit AND virtual memory!). If you were proficient with the first commercial RDBMS, you had to posses mad Macro-11 or PL-11 (the high level version) skills to actually make many of the functions work that we take for granted now. Many basic tools that DBAs and developers use today simply didn't exists.  You had to roll your own.  Even the data dictionary was a new concept and often in-flux.
Hello World, Macro-11 style:
        BEQ     DONE    ;IF ZERO, EXIT LOOP
        BR      1$      ;REPEAT LOOP

MSG:    .ASCIZ /Hello, world!/
        .END    HELLO
Don't forget the RT-11 commands to assemble, link, and run!


Hello, world!
It was an immature but revolutionary way to store and recall information. Bell Labs saw the business benefits of the Oracle RDBMS and thus much hype and exuberance flowed in the land:
"They could take this data out of the database in interesting ways, make it available to nontechnical people, but then look at the data in the database in completely ad hoc ways." - Ed Oates
During these early days you would need a room full of advanced computer science academics just to keep the system functioning - at each and every business.  There were no safety nets and everyone had there own perspective on how to do both a multi-join query WITH an aggregate function (and on the 4th day RBO was created, and it was good).  Read consistency was still 5 years away!  As time went on, the best brains from the IT collective pioneered standards and best practice that we all use today.  As the tech matured, the need for low-level Macro-11 developers diminished as they were replaced by a more mature product that would appeal to large non-tech companies.  As the need for low-level tech skills went away, patterns were established and the need for highly skilled programmers to keep the data store functioning went away.  Interestingly,  the data and the patterns of its flow remained.  That is why enterprises have DBA to maintain modern relational databases, not developers.
Inevitably, there are some times when advances dictate new low-level programming skills on a large scale.  When RSI released Version 3 in C, there was high demand for developers who could read and speak the prose of Mr. Ritchie.  This was necessary for recompiling and testing a consistent code base across everything from minis and mainframes, to PCs.  While C was quite portable, there was much work to be done in the storage subsystems.  Again, as the need for low-level tech skills went away, the data remained.
When we look at the new world of Hadoop, we must understand that this type of tech revolution has occurred before.  Right now there is much work afoot to solve the primitive questions.  This undoubtedly requires a new breed of low-level Java developers... for awhile.  We see the results of these efforts in tools like Pig, Hive, Impala, and Stinger glued together via HCat.  Once the dust settles, I wouldn't stake my professional future on mastering low-level MapReduce, but rather focus on mastering the higher level tools.  This will allow the enterprises quicker access to business insight.  As Hadoop's primitive issues are solved in to standards and patterns in the next 3-5 years, the need for Java developers will diminish substantially in the next 3-5 years.  Just look at how many PL-11 or C++ programmers your enterprise has in their DBA teams; the low-level tech comes and goes, but the data remains.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The 3 Pillars of Data Democracy

In order to promote the use of data within the enterprise, we need to provide a collaborative environment which gives people the freedom and incentive to try new things.  This gives everyone the chance to prove great ideas, or at worst to fail quickly.  We may all understand the benefits of democratizing data, yet without an environment to foster that exploration it will remain just a great idea.  It is much like a unicorn.  We all know what it looks like, but no one has actually seen one.
Therefore I propose 3 pillars that are essential to encouraging this environment:
Searchable Metadata
We can provide a powerful framework for mining all sorts of data, but if users cannot inspect data elements easily from a trusted source, we will be perceived as unintuitive and difficult to use.
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” ? Leonardo da Vinci
The gallery showcases works that others have done and springboards innovation by providing rapid provisioning of data.  Infographics and supporting worksheets can be linked into the gallery and tagged so that others may search for it.  Did someone already perform margin rate analysis?  Let’s go to the gallery first to find out.
If a person finds a relevant workbook, they can easily provisioning that insight for their own use.  This is a powerful feature that allows others to build upon and extend new insights without reinventing the wheel.
We are wired to appreciate feedback loops.  We post on Facebook and Twitter not because we like to type, but we enjoy the recognition in the form of comments and followers.   As of 2011, the global video game market is valued at $65 billion.  People spend hours in front of a screen because it leverages their natural desire for competition, accomplishment, and status.  Adopting this mindset in our analytic platform not only encourages participation, but it gives us yet another set of metrics for self-assesment.  Which infographics are most accessed?  How many times is a worksheet copied for further analysis?  The ‘Like’ and ‘Friend’ button allows Facebook to catalog over a billion active user profiles – all to sell you stuff.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Thought of the day. Storing Confio detailed data in Hadoop?

If you manage a lot of Oracle, M$SQL, or DB2 - you need to check out Confio. Its an agent-less performance trending tool that will make you're life much easier.  It tracks every SQL run by user/client machine/sql statement/etc and trends those over time.
So I was listening to an IT security architect give an informative presentation on security and the topic came up about SQL injection and RDBMS security in general.  It got me to thinking: If an enterprise really wanted to keep tabs on all of the goings-on in their databases for forensic purposes, why not leverage Confio that is already pulling that data?
Confio typically aggregates that data up after 30 days - so there is plenty of time to snag it all and store it in HDFS.
You could even pull Teradata's dbc.qrylog while your at it.
Imagine knowing what SQL statements you ran 3+ years ago.  Cool.

Friday, February 8, 2013

HCatalog - Embrace the independence

Codd's Rule 9: Logical data independence:
Changes to the logical level (tables, columns, rows, and so on) must not require a change to an application based on the structure. Logical data independence is more difficult to achieve than physical data independence. (wiki)
This was a novel idea in 1970 and caused a lot of controversy.  Back in the day, your COBOL program was usually fired from some flavor of JCL.  So we had to point the DD (stdin/stdout) to a specfic location and dataset name 'manually' along with UNIT and VOL parms.
Sorry for posting JCL on a Hadoop blog, don't judge my age.  And to the TSO brethren, I know: Cataloged datasets helped with this later on...
As we evolved our metastores we began to organize data logically by schemas and abstracted the physical location via TABLESPACES and FileGroups.  After awhile, we took this for granted while we pounded out our wonderful SQL.
But as the great philosophers, MATCHBOX 20 pondered:
Let's see how far we've come
Let's see how far we've come
Lets take a typical pig latin script that would do some ETL work:
A = load '/data/MDM/ds=20130101/bu=pd/property=cust' using PigStorage()
as (custid:chararray, name:chararray, addr:chararray, timestamp:long);
Ouch!  This way of working could become a maintenance nightmare with any of the following situations:
1. Compacting multiple files via HAR
2. Change in compression method
3. Schema changes from data producer
4. Moving data location
If the variety of your schemas is limited, this probably is easy to manage.  However, most enterprise environments will be anything but limited.  This is also compounded by users with different data tools accessing Hadoop and sharing the same data.  Soon your cluster becomes very brittle.  Whats a data alchemist to do?
HCatalog to the rescue!  This Apache subproject comes primarily from Yahoo and appears to be a big part of Hortonworks bag of tricks for organizing data.  Basically HCatalog extends the Hive metastore and, based on the contributors, has been a collaborative effort between members from the Apache Pig, Hive, and Hadoop projects
Per the wiki:
Apache HCatalog is a table and storage management service for data created using Apache Hadoop.
This includes:
Providing a shared schema and data type mechanism.
Providing a table abstraction so that users need not be concerned with where or how their data is stored.
Providing interoperability across data processing tools such as Pig, Map Reduce, and Hive.
The pig example above would now look like:
A = load 'MDM' using HCatLoader();
B = filter A by ds='20130101' and bu='pd' and property='cust';

Much better.  If we relocate the files that store MDM, or switch to a better storage format, the Pig Latin script does not change at all.  This is the same for MR and Hive.  Also notice that the shema is not specified, HCatLoader automagically tells that to Pig and converts the shema to the appropriate pig datatypes.
HCatalog also leverages Hive's DML so we can create and drop tables, specify table parameters, etc.  This will give us a great way to manage our metadata.  I'm also curious how we can extend HCatalog from an audit standpoint to keep track of who,what,where,when datasets are touched.
This is another dot connected for me.  I ranted about this a bit in a prior post: Confessions of a data architect where I argued the limited capabilities of HDFS from a data organization stanpdoint.  In a way, this also answers another looming question:  where should we store metadata?  This solution depends on Postgres... interesting.
Check out this video from Hortonworks on Hcat,

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Why Enterprise Hadoop is different than Web Hadoop.

Bringing the power of Hadoop to the enterprise is a tricky matter.  While we all know the wonderful virtues of distributed storage and compute and how it's solving Big Data problems in the web world, it is entirely a different matter when dealing with the challenges of a large enterprise.

I’m actually somewhat envious of some company’s laser-beam approach to Big Data.  Most of these environments are challenged with volume & velocity.  Our focus leans more towards variety.  Our ETL team currently has over 5,000 unique workflows.  Many of these products are redundant, useless, and pathetic attempts of moving data by myopic projects over time.  Ineffective MDM and data modeling practices have also fed this beast over the years.  I’m not suggesting that we move all of these over to Hadoop day one, but the writing is on the wall that at some point we will run into the same mess if we’re not careful.
How does one manage this variety of unique data sources?  We’re looking at various options of Talend and custom code to allow us to manage this.  This will evolve over time, but we’re trying to look ahead.
So what do you use to manage your data ingest & emit?